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20120924 Safety Information
The French according to the national environmental law (Grenelle II) article 228 introduced a 1 year
consumer goods environmental label (namely carbon footprints material label) test plan has already been
in July 1, 2012 expires. The national voluntary plan or will become compulsory measures, depending on
the feasibility evaluation results and decide.The test program aims to evaluate the products additional
environmental protection material feasibility. The authorities will evaluate the plan, and the results will be
considered in the French parliament. July 24, 2012, the French ecological and sustainable development
announced that the plan of the final assessment report will be submitted to congress in early 2013.
The French parliament in 2013 will be to decide whether to implement carbon footprints labelling scheme.
consumer goods environmental label (namely carbon footprints material label) test plan has already been
in July 1, 2012 expires. The national voluntary plan or will become compulsory measures, depending on
the feasibility evaluation results and decide.The test program aims to evaluate the products additional
environmental protection material feasibility. The authorities will evaluate the plan, and the results will be
considered in the French parliament. July 24, 2012, the French ecological and sustainable development
announced that the plan of the final assessment report will be submitted to congress in early 2013.
The French parliament in 2013 will be to decide whether to implement carbon footprints labelling scheme.